Gaudium Bracelet
Gaudium Bracelet
Gaudium Bracelet
Gaudium Bracelet
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Gaudium Bracelet
Gaudium Bracelet
Gaudium Bracelet
Gaudium Bracelet

Gaudium Bracelet

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€99.00 €110.00 IN SALDO
VAT included


MATERIAL: 925 Silver

LENGTH: 17 cm + 3 cm lengther

The hanging coins, rich in symbolism, act as amulets carrying lucky events, offering a feeling of positivity and luck to the person wearing them. The bracelet is embellished with blue topaz, a precious stone known for giving joy and happiness. The blue topaz is a symbol of renewal, both spiritual and physical, and can be a valuable companion during moments of tension, offering comfort and tranquility. Wearing the Gaudium bracelet not only adds a touch of beauty to your look, but also wraps you with a positive and protective energy, accompanying you at every moment of your day.

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Italy: from € 60 - from € 100 for the smaller islands and disadvantaged locations.Abroad: from € 150


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